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Why Solar PV
PV solar energy systems generate renewable energy that can save energy costs and reduce your carbon footprint. Solar energy is one of the most common and cost effective ways that energy consumers can own their own source of energy. Solar energy systems are the most cost effective way to power your facility.
Save Money
Reduce your carbon emissions
Low maintenance
You can even make money
Once you have bought your solar PV panels, the maintenance and operating costs are small. The panels and inverters will require cleaning approximately every few years. Panel output should be expected to fall at a rate of 1% per year. owners can see a payback of less than five years on their solar PV investment and enjoy a dependable supply of renewable electricity for over 30 years, making it probably one of the best investments that anyone can make to improve their sustainability credentials.The financial return is mainly tied up with the value and amount of energy generated.
If, as in most cases, your solar PV panels operate in parallel with your mains supply, they help to displace the energy you would normally have bought from the grid. For example, if your electricity need at a particular time is 20kW and your PV system was producing 5kW, your net import from the grid would be 15kW. Each unit of electricity you displace from your imported requirement effectively saves you on the imported price of that unit.0.

Since January 1, 2012 a flat rate farmer can claim back the VAT incurred on the purchase of a solar PV system, which is designed to be used mainly or solely in his or her farming business. A Home owner will pay no vat from 2023 on A solar PV installation
100% -
50% -
0% -
Solar PV is a well proven technology with very predictable generation over the year and, with no moving parts, there are little maintenance costs.
Renewable energy generation performance can be monitored on your phone through an App providing live data on energy consumption – which will help you manage your energy costs more effectively.
Solar PV Electricity is one of the World’s most reliable forms of renewable energy. It is very cost-effective to self generate electricity for all your farm needs. Peak performance is from March to October which is an ideal technology option for all types of homes, Business and Farms – which are very significant users of electricity.

reduce Electricity cost

Payback period as
low as 4-7 years

Accelerated capital allowances, SEAI & TAMS Grants available

systems available

against carbon tax
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